
Future Job

 Hello, this time I will write to you about my future job. I think the job that I want to do first is that of architect, because it's the career that I am studying and that I liked. Although until now I don't know what to specialize in, because I like architectural heritage and public policies, that is, working with a more social role, helping people through architecture.

That is why I would like to have a job, whether I am rescuing or studying the architectural heritage, or one with social programs, that helps people to obtain a house, or quality and sustainable community spaces. For this reason, the job that I choose in the future must have one of these objectives, I also hope that it has a good work environment that's super important, as well as a sustainable or sustainable outlook with the environment and that I can actively participate in labor decisions.

And so far if I had to say what my abilities are, it's that I am a responsible and creative person, who can last a long time awake (hahaha), I am also a person who cares a lot about maintaining a good group atmosphere. On the contrary, my weaknesses would be that under constant pressure I can explode and that the calculation part's a bit difficult for me, but I keep trying to improve.

I hope to meet these goals, although also in the future I would like to be able at some point to work on other things that I like, because perhaps they will give me new experiences that can make me happy, which is the most important thing in life.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day, xoxoxo

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