
Pleasures of life, food.

Hello, hoping you are well, today I will write about food.

I really enjoy eating and being able to try different dishes or flavors, and I really love when someone invites me to eat.

I personally prefer salty food over sweet, but I still enjoy eating both types.

For me it's a bit difficult to say which is my favorite food, but I really enjoy when I eat French fries or pasta, I consider that they are both easy and delicious dishes and that we always cook with my friends when we get together and they were also the first meals that I learned to cook.

On the contrary, there are many foods that I don't like, but those that I can name are seafood, I don't like its smell, also I am not a fan of eating meat and I cannot eat some foods that have soy or mushrooms, because I am allergic to them.

Sadly, I love junk food, but I eat it very seldom, besides I cook very little, I began to learn when I had to go to Santiago for University, but now thanks to the pandemic I have been learning and enjoying some recipes from my mother and in addition to gaining a few extra kilos.

I hope over time to learn to cook many recipes and also eat different foods from various countries or cultures, because each one has its specialty or unique type of food.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day.

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