
English language challenges

 Hello, this is the last post, and the topic is 'English'.

I think this language is very important, because it opens up a path with many opportunities in the future and perhaps over time it will become a universal language. The subject that taught me to learn this language at the University, I feel that it really helped me to learn, practice and improve my skills more, and in my case it was a more professional teaching compared to the English from my old school, that gave me a base not very good. And I feel that the ways of teaching, such as through exercises in classes, making videos and blogs, was very entertaining, didactic and new for me, which has helped me to improve something that is difficult for me, writing and speaking in English, because I still don't know many words in that language, but it's something that I must improve over time. This is why I must continue writing, reading texts, listening to songs in English or watching untranslated movies, since there are different ways that will help me improve my ability with this language, and it's very important to practice, because as the phrase, 'practice makes perfect', and perhaps one day I will take another course in this language, more intense to be able to learn it completely.

I still use this language outside of class, to read some texts, videos, memes, those that aren't translated, to learn songs, etc. Which has helped me to learn more, but I am still afraid and nervous, speaking or writing in English, but I must forget these fears, because you learn from mistakes and knowing this language brings its benefits both personally and professionally.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day

Goodbye, maybe we'll read again one day. xoxoxo


Future Job

 Hello, this time I will write to you about my future job. I think the job that I want to do first is that of architect, because it's the career that I am studying and that I liked. Although until now I don't know what to specialize in, because I like architectural heritage and public policies, that is, working with a more social role, helping people through architecture.

That is why I would like to have a job, whether I am rescuing or studying the architectural heritage, or one with social programs, that helps people to obtain a house, or quality and sustainable community spaces. For this reason, the job that I choose in the future must have one of these objectives, I also hope that it has a good work environment that's super important, as well as a sustainable or sustainable outlook with the environment and that I can actively participate in labor decisions.

And so far if I had to say what my abilities are, it's that I am a responsible and creative person, who can last a long time awake (hahaha), I am also a person who cares a lot about maintaining a good group atmosphere. On the contrary, my weaknesses would be that under constant pressure I can explode and that the calculation part's a bit difficult for me, but I keep trying to improve.

I hope to meet these goals, although also in the future I would like to be able at some point to work on other things that I like, because perhaps they will give me new experiences that can make me happy, which is the most important thing in life.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day, xoxoxo


The magic of music

 Hello, I hope you are having a good day!

This time the topic is music, one of the most wonderful things invented by human beings according to my point of view, and which makes us feel different emotions and even brings us memories of people, moments or places.

In my case, music has always been present in my life (every day I listen to even a song haha) keeping me company in good times and bad, and especially in those long nights where I have to do work for the university. I can say that I don't have a specific favorite type, since I like to listen to all types or genres (I can go from indie to neo-perreo in a minute lol) but I have bands that can be said to be my 'favorites' like Catfish and the Bothlemen, Milky Chance and The Neighborhood. Also 'fav' singers that I have a certain appreciation for because I've grown up with them and listened to them repeatedly since my teens, like Vance Joy, Harry Styles, and Lorde. Sadly I still wait for the day to be able to be at a concert by one of them and to be able to sing crying some songs.

The music is something beautiful, that it can change our moods, bring us memories, and in the world there're a huge number of singers and bands, artists who should be given the opportunity to listen, regardless of the language. or the style, what matters is the message, the feeling or the emotions that they generate.

And now I wonder, what would the world be like if music didn't exist?

Thank you for reading xoxoxo


Pleasures of life, food.

Hello, hoping you are well, today I will write about food.

I really enjoy eating and being able to try different dishes or flavors, and I really love when someone invites me to eat.

I personally prefer salty food over sweet, but I still enjoy eating both types.

For me it's a bit difficult to say which is my favorite food, but I really enjoy when I eat French fries or pasta, I consider that they are both easy and delicious dishes and that we always cook with my friends when we get together and they were also the first meals that I learned to cook.

On the contrary, there are many foods that I don't like, but those that I can name are seafood, I don't like its smell, also I am not a fan of eating meat and I cannot eat some foods that have soy or mushrooms, because I am allergic to them.

Sadly, I love junk food, but I eat it very seldom, besides I cook very little, I began to learn when I had to go to Santiago for University, but now thanks to the pandemic I have been learning and enjoying some recipes from my mother and in addition to gaining a few extra kilos.

I hope over time to learn to cook many recipes and also eat different foods from various countries or cultures, because each one has its specialty or unique type of food.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day.


Sunday October 25 | Path to change.

 Hello, today I will write to you about what I did on Sunday October 25th. 

That day, as many of us know, the plebiscite was held on whether or not to approve the idea of ​​drafting a new constitution, being my first time voting, so I was nervous about making a big mistake while voting, since I was alone, because I was the only one of my family who had to vote in that school. But since I'm from the region, the process was short and entertaining, and I even ran into old friends. And at the end I had to walk through the city to meet my family again, making the same trip as when I was in school, which brought back nostalgic memories, but it made me happy to see so many people voting or walking to vote in the streets of all ages.

It was a day where different emotions reigned, but happiness came when the approval won, being fun to see my father's angry face , because he thinks differently from most (haha) ​​or to see all the happy people screaming in the streets.

I hope that this leads us on a good path as a society and that we can all live in an equitable country in the future, and thus show that change is not bad sometimes.



The beautiful Italy

 Hello, this time we have to write about a country that we want to visit. One of my big dreams is to one day travel around the world, but the country I most want to visit soon is Italy, because I believe it's a wonderful country, recognized worldwide for its cultural and architectural heritage, such as its delicious cuisine, magnificent landscapes, and its corners with a unique history.

It is a country in which each city has its own history, with many mainly cultural tourist attractions, for example; The Leaning Tower of Pisa, The Sistine Chapel, the Coliseum, The Birth of Venus, The Last Supper, among others. I consider it to be an unmissable destination to visit, because it has invaluable works throughout history, being the origin of great artists from all areas, such as Roman culture.

And even in Italy we find emblematic cities such as Venice, Florence, Milan, Sicily, among others, showing that it is a unique place that we must visit, to create an unforgettable experience.


A photograph

(In order from left to right and from bottom to top). We can see Maria Ignacia, Mariela, Tiare, Anaís, Paula who are crouched. Then already standing, Alejandra, Oscar behind Javiera, me (José) in the center, next to Sofía C, Sofia H and Gabriela (behind Gabriela is Sebastian who slipped into the photo). Finally on the car is Cindy, Romero and Maximiliano.

Photographs, an important topic in our current time on social networks and that I like, even during my school days, photographing was one of my favorite hobbies, because it allows us to capture our memories, places, people and unforgettable moments, which many times they are lived once, in images that can last our whole lives. And as the photographer Cristina García says, 'photograph is to snatch moments from death, stop time, overcome it'.

Although, I have many favorite images, this time I will talk to you about the photo that is above, where I am with my best friends from my school who called ourselves 'manyula' in front of a car (I don't remember why) visiting the city of Pucón for our tour study. The photo was taken in late 2016, by our teacher after having played paintball. I like this image, because it makes me smile and return to live that unforgettable trip that I fully enjoy, in addition to being one of the few photos where I am with my best friends, whom I miss very much.

Obviously, photographs are essential in our contemporary lives, where we can freeze important things in our lives in images, being a visible memory.
Although many times the best memories are not in the photos but in our hearts.



Hello readers, I hope you are having a good day!.
This time the topic is music, one of the most wonderful things invented by humans according to my point of view, something that accompanies us almost every day and makes us feel different emotions and even remind us of friends, family, places and moments.

In my life, music has always been present, keeping me company during good and bad times, and although I am not a music expert, I can say that I don't have a specific type that I like, since I like to listen to everything, but I have bands that can be said to be my 'favorites' like Catfish and the Bothlemen, Milky Chance, The Neighborhood and Vundabar. Also 'favorite' singers that I like from my adolescence like Vance Joy, Harry Styles, Hozier, Lorde, Tove Lo, and some that are recent and that I also love as girl in red, Dayglow and Still Woozy. And sometimes when I want to dance or feel happy, I listen to spanish singers like Bad Bunny, Bad Gyal and Ozuna, their melody is catchy and reminds me of moments with my friends.

I can say that music is something beautiful, that it can change our moods, bring us memories, and in the world there are a large number of singers and bands, artists who should be given an opportunity to listen, regardless of language or the style, what matters is the message, the feeling or the emotions that generate us.
And now I ask myself, what would the world be like if music did not exist?



My favourite piece of technology

Hello people, today I will write you about technology, a topic that's more important every day in our lives, becoming dependent on intelligent objects that help us every day making our lives easier.

In my case, my favorite piece of technology is my cell phone, because it's a multipurpose object, where I can listen to music, watch series or videos, play video games, draw, chat with friends, send text messages, and it even helps me organize my days and my time and it's a very easy object to transport anywhere.
It's an object in which I can spend hours and hours, because it entertains me and helps me in almost everything, being something fundamental in my life. On the other hand, another object that is my favorite, is my computer, which unlike the cell phone, this one I use more to do university works.

Definitely, technology is more present in our realities every day, bringing good and bad things, I just hope that in the future the machines will not replace humanity, or that our world will not become a chapter of the ´Black Mirror´ series .



Why did i choose my career?

Hello reader, today I will tell you about why I decided to study architecture, a career that was not my first option at the beginning, but was always there.

When I was little, my dream jobs were to be a hippie painter, because I loved to draw, or to be a veterinarian, because I liked animals, but everything changed when I knew that the operations and blood were included (haha).

So, as I grew up, I always wanted to study something related to arts, language, history, and psychology, so my options were always Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, or Design.
But in the last year of high school, several teachers recommended me to study architecture, so I began to consider that career, until it became my first option, because it included all the areas that I liked and also I always liked to design houses, buildings in video games (always in my heart the sims)

Now, in my third year, I can say that it is a hard career, that can bring you several tears and sleepless nights, but when it is something you like, nothing matters. In addition, the University allowed me to meet great friends, and many people with similar tastes, in addition to living unforgettable moments.

I hope that in the future, I will be a good architect able to create good projects (houses / buildings) always thinking about the collective well-being and care of the environment. And above all, be a happy person.




Hello! I hope you are well.
This time I will write you a little about myself, a young country boy, who went to Santiago to study architecture.

My name is José Campos I was born on December 11, 1999 in San Fernando Chile. Now I am 20 years old and due to the separation of my parents (now they are just friends), I live with my mother, older sister and younger brother in Chimbarongo, a small town of the Colchagua province, in the Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgins region.

I studied my primary and secondary education in a Catholic school in the town. When I finished, I moved to Santiago on my own to study Architecture at Universidad de Chile. the first year was hard due to loneliness in an unknown city, but now I am happily studying my third year.

Currently my hobbies are watching series (now I'm trying to finish 'Parks and Recreation') movies or YouTube videos, listening to music and watching memes all the time and sometimes drawing when I have some time or a 'mental breakdown'.

I know, I'm simple, but I'm still young, and now my priority is trying to finish a time-consuming university career. I hope that in the future, I can do more fun hobbies that make me happy, or do iconic things. But only time will know.

That's all, I send you a virtual hug and I hope quarantine ends soon.

P. S. Don't forget to wash your hands. #coronavirus haha


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